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CELLPHONE_KEY - Static variable in class com.fsc.cicerone.model.User.Columns
ChangePasswordActivity - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user
A class that represents the user interface that manage the user's request of password change.
ChangePasswordActivity() - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user.ChangePasswordActivity
checkIfEmailExists(Activity, String, Consumer<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.fsc.cicerone.manager.AccountManager
Control if email exists on server.
checkIfLanguagesAreSet() - Method in class com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user.cicerone.ItineraryCreation
A functtion that checks if at least a Language has been selected.
checkIfUsernameExists(Activity, String, Consumer<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.fsc.cicerone.manager.AccountManager
Control if username exists on server.
checkMinMaxParticipants(EditText) - Method in class com.fsc.cicerone.view.itinerary.ItineraryModifier
A function that checks if the values inserted in MinParticipants/MaxParticipants are correct.
checkWishlist() - Method in class com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.ItineraryDetails
A function that checks if the current Itinerary is already in the logged User wishlist.
CICERONE_KEY - Static variable in class com.fsc.cicerone.model.Itinerary.Columns
CiceroneItineraryListFragment - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin
Class that contains the elements of the tab "itinerary" on the account details page.
CiceroneItineraryListFragment() - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin.CiceroneItineraryListFragment
Empty constructor
CLEAR_WISHLIST - Static variable in class com.fsc.cicerone.app_connector.ConnectorConstants
URL of the server-side connector for the wishlist table.
clearAllFields(View) - Method in class com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.DiscoverFragment
Clear all the search parameters' fields (except the location search bar)
clearNotifications(Context) - Static method in class com.fsc.cicerone.notifications.NotificationUtils
Clears notification tray messages.
clearWishlist(Activity, BooleanConnector.OnEndConnectionListener) - Static method in class com.fsc.cicerone.manager.WishlistManager
Clear a user's wishlist on the server.
CLIENT_KEY - Static variable in class com.fsc.cicerone.model.Reservation.Columns
closeReport(Activity, Report, Consumer<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.fsc.cicerone.manager.ReportManager
Change the status of the report to "Closed".
collapsingToolbarLayout - Variable in class com.fsc.cicerone.view.itinerary.ItineraryActivity
com.fsc.cicerone - package com.fsc.cicerone
The Cicerone's namespace.
com.fsc.cicerone.adapter - package com.fsc.cicerone.adapter
This package contains all the adapter used in the application.
com.fsc.cicerone.adapter.view_holder - package com.fsc.cicerone.adapter.view_holder
This package contains all the view holders used for the recycler views' adapters.
com.fsc.cicerone.app_connector - package com.fsc.cicerone.app_connector
This package represents the component "App Connector".
com.fsc.cicerone.functional_interfaces - package com.fsc.cicerone.functional_interfaces
A functional package.
com.fsc.cicerone.mailer - package com.fsc.cicerone.mailer
A package to send e-mail messages.
com.fsc.cicerone.manager - package com.fsc.cicerone.manager
This package contains all the data-managers of the application.
com.fsc.cicerone.model - package com.fsc.cicerone.model
This package contains all the entity classes of the app that create the model component.
com.fsc.cicerone.notifications - package com.fsc.cicerone.notifications
This package includes all the classes and interfaces used to manage push notifications.
com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin - package com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin
The admin view component for Cicerone's Android app.
com.fsc.cicerone.view.itinerary - package com.fsc.cicerone.view.itinerary
The itinerary view component for Cicerone's Android app. - package
The report view component for Cicerone's Android app.
com.fsc.cicerone.view.system - package com.fsc.cicerone.view.system
The system view component for Cicerone's Android app.
com.fsc.cicerone.view.user - package com.fsc.cicerone.view.user
The user view component for Cicerone's Android app.
com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user - package com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user
The registered user view component for Cicerone's Android app.
com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user.cicerone - package com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user.cicerone
The cicerone view component for Cicerone's Android app.
com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user.globetrotter - package com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user.globetrotter
The globetrotter view component for Cicerone's Android app.
Config - Class in com.fsc.cicerone
A utility class used to avoid repetitions in code.
Config - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.notifications
Class containing notifications configurations.
CONFIRMATION_DATE_KEY - Static variable in class com.fsc.cicerone.model.Reservation.Columns
confirmationDate(Date) - Method in class com.fsc.cicerone.model.Reservation.Builder
Set the confirmation date.
confirmReservation(Reservation) - Static method in class com.fsc.cicerone.manager.ReservationManager
Confirm a reservation's request and send an email notification to the globetrotter.
ConnectorConstants - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.app_connector
Utility class that contains useful constants for Cicerone's connector.
Consumer<T> - Interface in com.fsc.cicerone.functional_interfaces
An interface that emulates Java's java.util.function.Consumer<T>.
Credentials(String, String) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.model.User.Credentials
Credential's constructor.
Credentials(JSONObject) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.model.User.Credentials
Credential's constructor.
Credentials(String) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.model.User.Credentials
Credential's constructor.
currentItinerary - Variable in class com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user.cicerone.ItineraryUpdate
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