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AbstractItineraryViewHolder - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.adapter.view_holder
An abstract view holder to be used for itineraries.
AbstractItineraryViewHolder(View, Context) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.adapter.view_holder.AbstractItineraryViewHolder
The view holder's constructor.
AbstractViewHolder - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.adapter.view_holder
An abstract view holder.
AbstractViewHolder(View, Context) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.adapter.view_holder.AbstractViewHolder
The view holder's constructor.
accept(T) - Method in interface com.fsc.cicerone.functional_interfaces.Consumer
The method that will be called by the interface's users.
AccountDetailsFragment - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user
Class that represents the account details page.
AccountDetailsFragment() - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user.AccountDetailsFragment
Empty Constructor.
AccountDetailsFragment(SwipeRefreshLayout) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user.AccountDetailsFragment
A constructor that takes a SwipeRefreshLayout as a parameter.
AccountManager - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.manager
A class that provides useful functions for the management of the users.
activeFragment - Variable in class com.fsc.cicerone.view.system.MainActivity
The currently displayed fragment.
addLanguage(Language) - Method in class com.fsc.cicerone.model.Itinerary
Add a language to the itinerary's languages' list if it doesn't exists, otherwise do nothing.
addLanguage(Language) - Method in class com.fsc.cicerone.model.User
Add a language to the user's languages' list if it doesn't exists, otherwise do nothing.
addLanguage() - Method in class com.fsc.cicerone.model.UserTest
addNewReport(Activity, User, String, String, String, Consumer<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.fsc.cicerone.manager.ReportManager
Insert a Report made by a User to another.
addReservation(Activity, Itinerary, int, int, Date) - Static method in class com.fsc.cicerone.manager.ReservationManager
Add a reservation's request to an itinerary.
addReviewItinerary(Activity, ItineraryReview, Consumer<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.fsc.cicerone.manager.ReviewManager
Insert itinerary's review.
addReviewUser(Activity, UserReview, Consumer<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.fsc.cicerone.manager.ReviewManager
Insert user's review.
addToWishlist(Activity, Itinerary, BooleanConnector.OnEndConnectionListener) - Static method in class com.fsc.cicerone.manager.WishlistManager
Add an itinerary to a user's wishlist on the server.
addToWishlist() - Method in class com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.ItineraryDetails
A function that add to the logged User wishlist the current Itinerary.
AdminDetailsUserFragment - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin
The user interface that contains the details of the user to whom the admin is interested.
AdminDetailsUserFragment() - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin.AdminDetailsUserFragment
Empty constructor
AdminItineraryAdapter - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.adapter
An adapter that holds a list of itineraries to be used in the admin section of the app.
AdminItineraryAdapter(Activity, List<Itinerary>) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.adapter.AdminItineraryAdapter
AdminItineraryDetails - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin
A class that displays the information of an Itinerary Admin-side.
AdminItineraryDetails() - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin.AdminItineraryDetails
Empty Constructor.
AdminItineraryDetails(int) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin.AdminItineraryDetails
A Constructor that takes a Layout as a parameter.
AdminItineraryGlobetrotterAdapter - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.adapter
An adapter that holds a list of reservations to be used in the admin section of the app.
AdminItineraryGlobetrotterAdapter(Context, List<Reservation>) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.adapter.AdminItineraryGlobetrotterAdapter
AdminItineraryGlobetrotterViewHolder - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.adapter.view_holder
A view holder that shows a reservation to be used in the admin section of the app.
AdminItineraryGlobetrotterViewHolder(View, Context) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.adapter.view_holder.AdminItineraryGlobetrotterViewHolder
The view holder's constructor.
AdminItineraryViewHolder - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.adapter.view_holder
A view holder that shows an itinerary to be used in the admin section of the app.
AdminItineraryViewHolder(View, Context) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.adapter.view_holder.AdminItineraryViewHolder
The view holder's constructor.
AdminMainActivity - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin
The main activity Admin-side.
AdminMainActivity() - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin.AdminMainActivity
Empty Constructor.
AdminMainActivity(int) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin.AdminMainActivity
A Constructor that takes a Layout as a parameter.
AdminReportDetailsActivity - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin
The user interface that shows all the data of a report (admin-side).
AdminReportDetailsActivity() - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin.AdminReportDetailsActivity
AdminUserProfile - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin
Class that specifying the details of registered user that the administrator is viewing.
AdminUserProfile() - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.view.admin.AdminUserProfile
allFilled() - Method in class com.fsc.cicerone.view.itinerary.ItineraryModifier
A function that checks if every field is filled.
allFilled() - Method in class com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.registered_user.cicerone.ItineraryCreation
askForReservation(View) - Method in class com.fsc.cicerone.view.user.ItineraryDetails
A function that allows the logged User to make a reservation for the current Itinerary.
AsyncDatabaseConnector<T extends BusinessEntity> - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.app_connector
Generic asynchronous connector to a database.
AsyncDatabaseConnector(AsyncDatabaseConnector.Builder<T>) - Constructor for class com.fsc.cicerone.app_connector.AsyncDatabaseConnector
AsyncDatabaseConnector's constructor.
AsyncDatabaseConnector.Builder<B extends BusinessEntity> - Class in com.fsc.cicerone.app_connector
A utility class useful to create an AsyncDatabaseConnector.
AsyncDatabaseConnector.OnEndConnectionListener<T> - Interface in com.fsc.cicerone.app_connector
An interfaced to be used to create callback functions to be used to define the connector behaviour on the connection's end.
AsyncDatabaseConnector.OnStartConnectionListener - Interface in com.fsc.cicerone.app_connector
An interfaced to be used to create callback functions to be used to define the connector behaviour on the connection's start.
attemptLogin(Activity, User.Credentials, AsyncDatabaseConnector.OnStartConnectionListener, Consumer<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.fsc.cicerone.manager.AccountManager
Attempt the login.
AUTHOR_KEY - Static variable in class com.fsc.cicerone.model.Report.Columns
AUTHOR_KEY - Static variable in class com.fsc.cicerone.model.Review.Columns
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